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A. A. Abrikosov
A. A. Abrikosov, L. P. Gorkov and I. E. Dzyaloshinski. Translated and edited by Richard A. Silverman
A. A. Klaf
A. A. Milne
A. A. Milne. Illustrations by Ernest H. Shepard
A. A. Sveshnikov
A. Albert Klaf
A. and E. Keary. Illustrated by C. E. Brock
A. Avez
A. B. Mitford
A. B. Westervelt, W. T. Westervelt
A. C. Doyle
A. C. Gordon
A. C. Scott
A. Charayron and Leon Durand
A. D. Aleksandrov, A. N. Kolmogorov, and M. A. Lavrent'ev
A. D. Taylor. With a New Preface by Paul Dickson
A. Desaint
A. Durenne
A. E. Conrady
A. E. Housman
A. E. Taylor
A. E. Waite
A. Erdélyi
A. F. Murison
A. G. Smith
A. G. Smith and Peter H. Cousins
A. G. Smith and Randy Mason
A. G. W. Cameron. Edited by David M. Kahl
A. Gerrard and J. M. Burch
A. Ginzburg
A. Guinier
A. H. England
A. H. Zemanian
A. Hamilton Thompson
A. Hauser
A. Hyatt Verrill
A. I. Borisenko and I. E. Tarapov. Translated from Russian by Richard A. Silverman
A. I. Fetisov and Ya. S. Dubnov
A. I. Khinchin
A. J. Bicknell And Co
A. J. Bicknell and Company
A. J. M. Spencer
A. J. McConnell
A. J. Roycroft
A. Kwiatkowski
A. L. Kroeber
A. Lichnerowicz. Translated by J. W. Leech and D. J. Newman
A. Lucas and J. Harris
A. M. Nagler
A. M. Yaglom
A. M. Yaglom and I. M. Yaglom
A. N. Kolmogorov and S. V. Fomin
A. N. Kolmogorov and S. V. Fomin. Translated and Edited by Richard A. Silverman
A. N. Kolmogorov. Translation edited by Nathan Morrison
A. N. Tikhonov
A. N. Tikhonov and A. A. Samarskii
A. O. Barut
A. O. Gelfond. Translated by Leo F. Boron
A. O. Gelfond. Translated from Russian and Edited by J. B. Roberts
A. P. Laurie
A. Pannekoek
A. Rupert Hall
A. Rényi
A. S. Hitchcock
A. S. Hitchcock U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
A. S. Kompaneyets
A. S. Monin
A. S. Monin and A. M. Yaglom
A. Sanguineti
A. Seidenberg
A. T. Bharucha-Reid
A. T. Mahan
A. V. Skorokhod
A. W. F. Edwards
A. W. Lewis
A. W. Smith
A. Y. Khinchin
A. Y. Khinchin. Translated by D. M. Andrews and M. H. Quenouille
A. Ya. Khinchin
Aaron J. Ihde
Aaron Pocock
Abbie Farwell Brown
Abbott Payson Usher
Abigail and John Adams
Abraham Adrian Albert
Abraham Adrian Albert and Reuben Sandler
Abraham Cahan
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas
Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas. Edited by Edwin Erle Sparks
Abraham Lincoln. Edited by Bob Blaisdell
Abraham Swan
Abraham Veinus
Abraham Wald
Abraham Z. Idelsohn
Ad. And M. P. Verneuil
Adalbert Roeper
Adam Carse
Adam Smith
Adam Smith. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by Edwin Cannan
Adam Winky
Addison Mizner
Adele P. Margolis
Adolf Bolotin, Alexander Pozamantir, and Alfonsas Raudeliunas
Adolph Menzel. Selected and with an Introduction by James Gurney
Adolphe Armand Braun
Adrian Hill
Adrienne Noel
Adrienne Trafford
Agatha Christie
Agnes Danforth Hewes. Illustrated by Lynd Ward
Agnes Smedley
Agostino Traini
Agrippina Vaganova
Aileen O'Bryan
Ajit Mookerjee
Akira Isihara
Aladdin Company
Alain M. Robert
Alan E. Cober. New Introduction by Leslie Cober-Gentry
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Albert Einstein and Francis A. Davis
Albert Gallatin Mackey
Albert H. Beiler
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Albert Messiah
Albert Parry
Albert Parry. With a New Introduction by Paul Buhle
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer. Translated by Ernest Newman
Albert Schweitzer. Translated by W. Montgomery
Albert Shadowitz
Albert T. Fromhold
Albert Toft
Albert Wilansky
Alberta Hutchinson
Alberto Bachmann
Alberto Jonas. Edited with a New Introduction by Sara Davis Buechner. Special Foreword by Rhea Sadowsky
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Albrecht Dürer. Edited by Dr. W. Kurth
Aldo Nadi. Foreword by Paul Gallico
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Alex W. Bealer
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Alexander Basilevsky
Alexander Berkman
Alexander Borodin
Alexander C. Martin, Herbert S. Zim, and Arnold L. Nelson
Alexander Calder
Alexander Calder. Edited and with an Introduction by James J. Sweeney
Alexander Carmichael
Alexander da R. Prista
Alexander Dobkin
Alexander Gardner
Alexander Gilchrist
Alexander Graham
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay
Alexander Hamilton. Edited by John Grafton
Alexander Herrmann
Alexander L. Fetter and John Dirk Walecka
Alexander Nesbitt
Alexander O. Exquemelin
Alexander Pope
Alexander Porteous
Alexander Pushkin
Alexander Pushkin. Translated by Babette Deutsch
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Alexander Schmidt
Alexander Scriabin
Alexander Speltz
Alexander William Kinglake
Alexandra Cowell
Alexandra David-Neel
Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Guilmant
Alexis de Tocqueville. Translated by Henry Reeve. Edited by Francis Bowen
Alexis de Tocqueville. Translated by John Bonner
Alexis Soyer
Alfred C. Bossom
Alfred C. Gilbert
Alfred Cortot
Alfred Fairbank
Alfred Hutton
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Alfred Jules Ayer
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Alfred North Whitehead
Alfred Perceval Graves
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Alfred S. Posamentier and Robert L. Bannister
Alfred Sheinwold
Alfred Stieglitz
Alfred Suzanne and Charles Herman Senn
Alfred Tarski
Alfred Tarski in collaboration with Andrzej Mostowski and Raphael M. Robinson
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Alfred Wegener
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Edited by W. J. Rolfe
Alfredo Alcala, Heidi MacDonald, and Phillip Dana Yeh. Introductions by Gil Kane and Roy Thomas
Algernon Blackwood
Algernon Blackwood. Selected with an Introduction by E. F. Bleiler
Ali Dowlatshahi
Alice Ambrose and Morris Lazerowitz
Alice Cooke Brown
Alice Hörnecke, Dominik Meißner, and Sabine Seyffert
Alice Medrich
Alice Moore Dunbar
Alice Morse Earle
Alice Starmore
Alida Sims Malkus. Illustrated by Leonard Vosburgh
Aline Bernstein
Alison Gernsheim
Alison Jenkins
Alison Stilwell Cameron
Allan and Paulette Macfarlan
Allan Clark
Allen A. Goldstein
Allen French
Allen G. Debus
Allyn J. Thompson
Allyne S. Holland
Allyson D'Antonio. Illustrated by Maia Trewartha
Aloha Baker
Alois Senefelder
Alon Bement
Alphonse Maria Mucha. Rendered by Ed Sibbett, Jr
Alphonse Mucha
Alston S. Householder
Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca
Alvin and Virginia Silverstein
Alvin Silverstein
Alwin Schroeder
Amanda Evanston Freund
Amatzia Avni
Amber Maine
Ambroise Vollard
Ambrose Bierce
Ambrose Bierce. With a New Introduction by Paul Dickson
Ambrosia Hawthorn
Amelia Simmons
Amnon Yariv
Amol Sasane
Amor Fenn
Amy Babich and Laura Person
Amy Beach
Amy Bell
Amy Fay. Introduction by Frances Dillon
Amy Lusebrink
Amy Naylor. Illustrated by Kimberly Schwede
Amy Weber
Ana Bidault, Elena Bonotto, Hannah Konetzki, Paule Ledesma and Eeva Nikunen
Ana Bidault, Elena Bonotto, Hannah Konetzki, Sam Mann, Jemaica Murphy and Alicia Pinapali
Ana Bidault, Elena Bonotto, Hannah Konetzki, Sam Mann, Jemaica Murphy, Eeva Nikunen and Alicia Pinapali
Ana Bidault, Hannah Konetzki, Paule Ledesma, Vera Ma, Eeva Nikunen and Jenna Stark
Ana Gabriela Pico Villalpando
Anand Pillay
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy and Sister Nivedita
Anatol Rapoport
Anatole France
Anders S. Lunde
Anders Zorn. Foreword by James Gurney
Andre Gide. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum
Andrea Palladio
Andrea Rothbart
Andreas Pflüger. Translated by Astrid Freuler
Andreas Pflüger. Translated by Shaun Whiteside
Andrew Alpern
Andrew Carnegie
Andrew H. Jazwinski
Andrew H. Wallace
Andrew J. Downing
Andrew J. Viterbi
Andrew Jackson Downing
Andrew Lang
Andrew Lang. Illustrated by H. J. Ford
Andrew Marvell
Andrew Neher
Andrew Wohlgemuth
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Andrés Bernardo Giannotta
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Andy Fish with Veronica Hebard
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Anna Pomaska and Suzanne Ross
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Anna Sewell and John Green
Anna Starobinets. Translated by Jane Bugaeva. Illustrated by Marie Muravski
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Anne Brontë
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Anne Orr
Anne Passchier
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Annika Sauerborn
Anonymous. Edited and Translated by Stanley Appelbaum
Anonymous. Translated by R. H. Charles
Anson K. Cross
Anthony Baines
Anthony Baines. Foreword by Sir Adrian Boult
Anthony D'Attilio
Anthony Gilbert
Anthony Hope
Anthony J. Pettofrezzo
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Anthony Rao
Anthony Slide
Anthony Toney
Anthony Trollope
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Antoine-Henri, Baron de Jomini. Translated by Capt. G. H. Mendell and Lt. W. P. Craighill
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Anton Arensky. Selected and Edited by Sara Davis Buechner
Anton Bruckner
Anton Bruckner. Edited by Robert Haas
Anton Chekhov
Anton Chekhov, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky, and Ivan Turgenev
Anton Chekhov. Edited by Bob Blaisdell
Anton Chekhov. Translated and Adapted by Alex Szogyi
Anton Felix Schindler
Anton Rubinstein
Anton Rubinstein and Teresa Carreño
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Antoni A. Kosinski
Antonio Machado. Edited and Translated by Stanley Appelbaum
Antonio Pigafetta
Antonio Vivaldi
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Aphra Behn
Apicius. Edited and Translated by Joseph Dommers Vehling
Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Arbie Orenstein
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Archibald Sharp
Archimedes. Edited by Sir Thomas L. Heath
Ardern Holt
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Aristotle. Translated by W. Rhys Roberts
Arkady Roytman
Armen G. Khachaturyan
Arne Broman
Arne Dehli
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Arranged and Interpreted by Roland Hayes
Arranged with Tablature by David Nadal
Art Young
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Arthur Baker
Arthur Bernon Tourtellot
Arthur C. Parker
Arthur Charles Fox-Davies
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Erdelyi
Arthur F. Raper
Arthur Friedheim. Edited by Theodore L. Bullock
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Arthur H. Buckley
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Arthur L. Blakeslee
Arthur L. Guptill
Arthur Loesser. With a New Foreword by Edward Rothstein. Preface by Jacques Barzun
Arthur M. Hind
Arthur Machen
Arthur Miller. Illustrated by Al Parker
Arthur Morrison. Selected and with an Introduction by E. F. Bleiler
Arthur Rackham
Arthur Rackham. Introduction by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch
Arthur Rackham. Selected and Edited by Jeff A. Menges
Arthur Ransome
Arthur Rimbaud. Edited by Stanley Appelbaum
Arthur Rothstein
Arthur Schopenhauer
Arthur Schopenhauer. Edited and Translated by T. Bailey Saunders
Arthur Schopenhauer. Selected and Translated by Thomas Bailey Saunders
Arthur Schopenhauer. Translated by Arthur Brodrick Bullock
Arthur Schopenhauer. Translated by T. Bailey Saunders
Arthur Schopenhauer. Translated, with an Introduction, by Konstantin Kolenda
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Arthur Wise
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Asha Dahya
Asher Benjamin
Asvaghosha. Translated by Teitaro Suzuki
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Aubrey Beardsley and Alexander Pope
Aubrey Beardsley and Oscar Wilde
Audre Lorde. Foreword by Sonia Sanchez
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August Strindberg
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Auguste Racinet
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Autumn Publishing
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Baroness Orczy. Introduction by E. F. Bleiler
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Becky Radtke
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Benjamin Brawley
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Bergerac, Illustrated by Teresa Goodridge
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Bert Randolph Sugar
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Betsy Ochester. Illustrated by Ross Kinnaird. Based on the series by Dawn McMillan
Betti Greco
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Bill Tarr
Bill W
Black Hawk
Blaise Pascal. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum
Blaise Pascal. Introduction by T. S. Eliot
Blanche Fisher Wright. Rendered for Coloring by Peter Donahue
Bloomingdale Brothers
Blumer And Kuhn Stair Co
Bob Blaisdell
Bob Giuliani
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Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. Du Bois and Frederick Douglass
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Borlase Smart
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Bowles And Carver
Boy Scouts of America
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Bram Stoker
Bram Stoker. Adapted and Illustrated by John Green
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Brenda Sneathen Mattox
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Briggs And Co. Edited by Carol Belanger Grafton
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Brother Lawrence
Brothers Grimm
Brown-Blodgett Company
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Buckminster Fuller
Bud Johnson
Building Age Publishing Corporation
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Béla Bartók
Béla Bartók. Edited by Dr. Benjamin Suchoff
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C. B. Griesbach
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C. Daly King
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C. Willett Cunnington and Phillis Cunnington
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Camille P. Dadant
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Carl Sandburg
Carl Sandburg. Illustrated by Harriet Pincus
Carl Sandburg. Introductory Note by Walter Lippmann. Preface to the Dover edition by Paul Buhle
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Carlo Collodi
Carlo Collodi. Translated by Sidney G. Firman
Carlo Demand
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Carol Ann Craig
Carol Belanger Grafton
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Charles Avery Amsden
Charles B. MacDonald
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Charles Baudelaire
Charles Baudelaire. Translated and Edited by Lois and Francis E. Hyslop, Jr
Charles Baudelaire. Translated by Christopher Isherwood, Introduced by W. H. Auden
Charles Baudelaire. Translated by Wallace Fowlie
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Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin. Edited by Francis Darwin
Charles Derriey
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Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins
Charles Dickens. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham
Charles Dickens. Illustrated by Louis Slobodkin
Charles Dickens. Illustrated by Marty Noble
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Charles F. Haanel
Charles F. McGlashan
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Charles Fort
Charles Fox
Charles Francis Saunders
Charles G. Cullen
Charles G. Davis
Charles G. Leland
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Charles J. Finger. Illustrated by Paul Honoré
Charles Johnston
Charles Kingsley
Charles Kingsley. Illustrated by Jessie Willcox Smith
Charles Kingsley. With Color Illustrations by Warwick Goble
Charles Kittel
Charles Knight
Charles L. Eastlake
Charles Liedl
Charles Lock Eastlake
Charles Lockwood
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Charles M. Sheldon
Charles Mackay
Charles Marshall Sayers
Charles Nash
Charles Nash and Siddhartha Sen
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Charles Perrault and Gustave Doré
Charles Perrault. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum
Charles R. Knight
Charles R. MacCluer
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Charles S. Peirce. Edited by Philip P. Wiener
Charles S. Peirce. Selected and Edited by Justus Buchler
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Charles Singer
Charles Squire
Charles Tomlinson Griffes
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Charles W. Chesnutt
Charles W. Hawthorne
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Charles-Marie Widor
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Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Charlotte Whatley
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Chester Byers
Chicago Tribune
Chih-Wen Chen
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Choderlos de Laclos
Chris H. Groneman
Chris Kohler
Chris Mead
Chris Whitaker
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Christian D. Larson
Christian Stoll
Christian Stoll Studios
Christina G. Rossetti
Christina Rossetti
Christina Rossetti. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham
Christina Rossetti. Illustrated by Florence Harrison
Christine Boucher Designed by Suzanne Hazard
Christine Medley
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Christopher Columbus
Christopher Dresser
Christopher Marlowe
Christopher Maslanka. Illustrations by Michael Harrington. Foreword by Iris Murdoch
Christopher Morley
Christos H. Papadimitriou
Christos H. Papadimitriou and Kenneth Steiglitz
Christy Shaffer
Chrétien de Troyes. Translated by W. Wistar Comfort
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Chuck Thorndike
Chuck Whelon
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Clarence G. Hamilton
Clarence Hornung
Clarence P. Hornung
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Clark Wissler
Claude Bernard
Claude Bragdon. Introduction by Joan Shelley Rubin and A. Joan Saab
Claude C. Albritton, Jr
Claude C. Hopkins
Claude Chevalley
Claude Debussy
Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel
Claude Itzykson and Jean-Bernard Zuber
Claude M. Bristol
Claude McKay
Claude Monet
Claude Monet. Designed by Maggie Kate
Claude Monet. Rendered by Marty Noble
Claude Thivierge
Claudia Martin
Clayton W. Dodge
Clement A. Miles
Clement C. Moore and Margaret Evans Price
Clement C. Moore. Illustrated by Nina Barbaresi
Clement C. Moore. Illustrated by Teresa Goodridge
Clement C. Moore. Illustrated by W. W. Denslow
Clement Clarke Moore. Illustrated by John O'Brien
Clement Meadmore
Clement V. Durell
Cliff Young
Clifford A. Pickover
Clifford A. Shaffer
Clifford Ashley
Clifford Truesdell
Co Spinhoven
Colen Campbell
Coles Phillips
Coles Phillips. Introduction by Scott M. Fischer. Edited by Jeff A. Menges
Colette. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum
Colette. Translated, with an Introduction, by Stanley Appelbaum
Collected with Introduction and Notes by Richard M. Dorson
Colonel Frank A. Haskell
Colonel Harry G. Summers, Jr
Colonial Dames of America
Come-Packt Furniture Co
Compiled and Edited by Bodewalt Lampe. New Introduction by Stephanie Chase
Compiled and Edited by J. Bodewalt Lampe. New Introduction by Stephanie Chase
Compiled and Edited by Nicole Beaulieu Herder with Ronald Herder
Compiled by Anderson M. Baten
Compiled by Captain Robert E. Lee
Compiled by Floyd Clymer. With a New Introduction by Paul Dickson
Compiled by James Daley
Compiled by John Grafton
Compiled by St. John D. Seymour and Harry L. Neligan
Confucius. Translated by James Legge
Connie Clough Eaton
Connie Eaton
Connor Martyn
Constance McLaughlin Green and Milton Lomask
Constance Reid
Constantine A. Belash
Cornelia Meigs
Cornelius Agrippa
Cornelius Lanczos
Cotton Mather
Countee Cullen
Courtney Davis
Courtney G. Brooks, James M. Grimwood, and Loyd S. Swenson, Jr
Cover Illustration by Marjorie Sarnat
Craig F. Bohren
Created and Written by Carl Potts. Script by Dennis O'Neil. Inks by Terry Austin. Colors by Marie Severin
Crispin van de Pass
Crystal Collins
Curt Sachs
Curtis Bulleman
Cuthbert Girdlestone. New Introduction by Philip Gossett
Cuthbert Girdlestone. New Introduction by Sara Davis Buechner
Cyril W. Beaumont and Stanislas Idzikowski
Cyrille Rose
Cécile Chaminade
César Franck
D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson
D. Alan Stevenson
D. C. Beard
D. E. Littlewood
D. E. Newland
D. E. Rutherford
D. F. Lawden
D. H. Griffel
D. H. Lawrence
D. H. Lawrence. Edited by Bob Blaisdell
D. J. A. Welsh
D. J. Thouless
D. K. C. MacDonald
D. M. Y. Sommerville
D. O. Shklarsky
D. O. Shklarsky, N. N. Chentzov, and I. M. Yaglom
D. P. Craig and T. Thirunamachandran
D. R. Bland
D. W. Sciama
D.E. Newland
Dag Prawitz
Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki
Dale Carnegie and J. B. Esenwein
Dali Museum
Dan Pedoe
Dan X. Solo
Dana Suesse. Introduced and Edited by Peter Mintun
Daniel Beard
Daniel Beard and Bellmore H. Browne
Daniel Boone and Francis Lister Hawks
Daniel Burleigh Parkhurst
Daniel C. Beard
Daniel C. Harris and Michael D. Bertolucci
Daniel Defoe
Daniel E. Rosner
Daniel Edwin Rutherford
Daniel J. Velleman
Daniel King
Daniel Lewis and Kristin Helberg
Daniel O’Connor. Illustrated by Alice B. Woodward. Based on the Story by J. M. Barrie
Daniel Pinkwater
Daniel Sheets Dye
Daniel Solow
Daniel T. Finkbeiner II
Daniel V. Thompson
Daniel V. Thompson, Jr
Daniele Margara
Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum
Dante Alighieri. Illustrated by Gustave Doré. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Dante Alighieri. Translated and with notes by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Dante. Edited and translated by Stanley Appelbaum
Darcy Bell-Myers
Darcy Lever
Darcy May
Dard Hunter
Darwin A. Hindman
Dave Phillips
David A. Blackwell and M. A. Girshick
David A. Jasen
David A. Sprecher
David A. Sánchez
David and La Jeana Bodo
David B. Beard
David B. Beard and George B. Beard
David B. Cook
David B. Damiano and John B. Little
David B. Gauld
David B. MacNeil
David Bakan
David Bleecker
David Bohm
David Bronstein
David Colton
David Cory. Illustrated by H. S. Barbour
David Cory. Illustrated by Maurice Day
David Cutting
David Diringer
David Dutkanicz
David Eggenberger
David Eugene Smith
David Eugene Smith and Louis Charles Karpinski
David Eugene Smith and Yoshio Mikami
David F. Belding and Kevin J. Mitchell
David Garnett. With Wood Engravings by R. A. Garnett
David H. Krantz, R. Duncan Luce, Patrick Suppes and Amos Tversky
David Hawcock
David Hoffmann
David Hooper and Dale Brandreth
David Hume
David J. Peery
David J. Under
David J. Winter
David Kawami
David L. Goodstein
David Lance Goines
David Lovelock and Hanno Rund
David Lowe
David M. Bishop
David M. Gates
David M. Young
David Michelinie and Bret Blevins. Foreword by Brandon Graham. Introductions by David Michelinie and Bret Blevins. Afterword by John Ridgway
David Park
David Pino
David Ricardo
David Rickman
David S. Kahn
David S. Saxon. New Introduction by Joseph A. Rudnick and Robert Finkelstein
David S. Touretzky
David Schimmell
David Shepherd. Illustrated by William K. Plummer
David V. Erdman
David V. Widder
David Wells
Davison E. Soper
Davy Crockett
Dawn McMillan and Ross Kinnaird
Dawn McMillan, Illustrated by Ross Kinnaird
Dawn McMillan. Illustrated by Ross Kinnaird
De Lacy O'Leary
Deane Montgomery and Leo Zippin
Debbie Tomkies
Deberny Type Foundry
Denis Diderot
Denis R. Bell
Dennis Casey
Dennis Sentilles
Dennis Shasha
Denonvilliers Co
Department of the Army
Derek Hudson
Derek Pell
Desiderius Erasmus
Designed by David Cutting
Diamond Jim Tyler. Foreword by Jon Racherbaumer. Introduction by Jeff Davis
Diamond Jim Tyler. Foreword by Martin Gardner. Illustrated by Benjamin Vincent
Diamond Jim Tyler. Illustrated by Benjamin Vincent.
Diana Crialesi
Diana Stanley
Diana Zourelias
Diane Heiman and Elizabeth Suneby. Illustrated by Christine Archer
Diane Pearl
Diane Zourelias
Dianne Gaspas
Dianne Gaspas-Ettl
Dick Hess
Dick Jackson
Dickinson, Emily (Edited by Mabel Loomis Todd)
Diego de Landa
Diego Jourdan Pereira
Diego Rivera with Gladys March
Dietrich Buxtehude
Dimitri Mihalas and Barbara Weibel Mihalas
Dionysius the Areopagite. Translated by C. R. Rolt
Diran Alexanian
Dirk J. Struik
Dixie Haywood
Djuna Barnes. Edited and with an Introduction by Katharine Maller
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev. Selected and edited by William B. Jensen
Doerthe Eisterlehner
Dom Cuthbert Butler
Domenico Scarlatti
Don C. Seitz
Don Carpenter
Don Freeman
Don Freeman. Foreword by Todd DePastino
Donald A. Mackenzie and John Green
Donald A. Pierre
Donald E. Kirk
Donald E. Sands
Donald Francis Tovey
Donald Francis Tovey. New Foreword by András Schiff. New Introduction to the Dover edition by Eric Wen
Donald Greenspan
Donald H. Menzel
Donald Hoffmann
Donald M. Davis
Donald M. Silver and Patricia J. Wynne
Donald M. Silver, Patricia J. Wynne and Ariel Fleming
Donald Maxwell. Foreword by Sonja Rozman and Gašper Habjanic
Donald R. Smith
Donald S. Heintzelman
Donald S. Passman
Donald Silver and Patricia Wynne
Donald T. Greenwood
Donald W. Hight
Donald W. Kahn
Dora Miriam Norton
Doreen Yarwood
Doris Campbell Preston
Doris King
Doris Southard
Dorothea Barlowe and Sy Barlowe
Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Dorothy Childs Hogner. Illustrated by Nils Hogner
Dorothy Hartley
Dorothy L. Sayers
Dorothy Parker
Dorothy S. Sides
Dorothy Wright
Dorr Bothwell and Marlys Mayfield
Dot Barlowe
Doug Chiang and Orson Scott Card. Preface by Gareth Edwards
Douglas Cockerell. Illustrated by Noel Rooke
Douglas G. Greene
Douglas Gorsline
Douglas Q. Adams
Douglas R. Graves
Dover Publications
Dover Publications, Inc
Dover Publications, Inc. Translated by Vali Tamm
Dow, George Francis
Dr. "Bugs" Bower and Keith O’Quinn
Dr. C. C. Miller
Dr. Dana Marrocco
Dr. Georg Stehli
Dr. Gérard G. Emch
Dr. J. Hannak. Foreword by Albert Einstein
Dr. Joseph K. Dixon. Introduction by Joe D. Horse Capture
Dr. Russell A. Langley
Dr. S. Tartakower and J. du Mont
Dr. Saul I. Gass
Dr. Seuss. Edited and with an Introduction by Rick Marschall
Dragoslav D. Siljak
Dudley H. Towne
Dudley Wright
Duncan MacDonald and Robb Sagendorph
DuneCraft. Illustrated by Ruth Soffer
Dunham Jackson
E. A. Abbott
E. A. Burtt
E. A. Lupfer
E. A. Maxwell
E. A. Seguy
E. A. Wallis Budge
E. A. Wyke-Smith
E. Allison Peers
E. Atlee Jackson
E. B. Dynkin
E. B. Dynkin and V. A. Uspenskii
E. Barrie Kavasch
E. Boyd Smith
E. Bright Wilson, Jr
E. Bright Wilson, Jr., J. C. Decius and Paul C. Cross
E. C. Bentley
E. C. Krupp
E. C. Titchmarsh
E. C. Zachmanoglou and Dale W. Thoe
e. e. cummings
E. Estyn Evans
E. F. Bleiler
E. G. Phillips
E. H. Raskin
E. J. Gumbel
E. J. Holmyard
E. J. Tangerman
E. K. Rossiter and F. A. Wright
E. Keble Chatterton
E. L. Ince
E. L. Koller
E. L. Roberts And Co
E. Lisle Reedstrom
E. M. Forster
E. M. Wilmot-Buxton
E. Nesbit
E. Norman Gardiner
E. P. Alexander
E. Phillips Oppenheim
E. R. Eddison
E. Robert Schmitz
E. S. Lumsden
E. T. A. Hoffmann
E. T. A. Hoffmann. Rendered by Thea Kliros
E. T. Bell
E. T. Whittaker and G. N. Watson
E. W. Hornung
E. W. Stillwell And Company
E.A. Wallis Budge
E.M. Forster
Eadweard Muybridge
Earl A. Coddington
Ed and Deb Shapiro. Foreword by Professor Robert Thurman
Ed Sibbett
Ed Sibbett, Jr
Eden Phillpotts
Edgar A. Kraut
Edgar A. Whitney
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe. Edited by Leonard Cassuto
Edgar Allan Poe. Illustrated by Edmund Dulac
Edgar Allan Poe. With Illustrations by W. Heath Robinson
Edgar Bergen
Edgar Degas
Edgar Degas. Edited by Carol Belanger Grafton
Edgar Dehn
Edgar Kaplan
Edgar Lee Masters
Edgar Leoni
Edgar M. Cortright. Foreword by Paul Dickson
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Tafel
Edgy Brothers
Edited and Annotated by Eiji Hashimoto
Edited and Illustrated by W. W. Denslow
Edited and Pictured by "Just Right" Authors and Artists
Edited and Translated by Anna E. Hiller, Ph.D
Edited and translated by Eugenio Florit
Edited and Translated by Garma C. C. Chang. Introduction by John C. Wilson
Edited and Translated by Gustave Mathieu and Guy Stern
Edited and Translated by Jacob Blakesley
Edited and Translated by Jennifer Wagner
Edited and translated by Luciano Rebay
Edited and Translated by M. Charlotte Wolf, Ph.D
Edited and Translated by Robert A. Hall
Edited and Translated by S. L. MacGregor Mathers
Edited and Translated by Stanley Appelbaum
Edited and Translated by Yelena P. Francis
Edited and with a Preface by Kendall H. Brown
Edited and with a Preface by Mike Ashley
Edited and with an Introduction by Elkan Nathan Adler
Edited and with an Introduction by JoAnne Olian
Edited and with an Introduction by Mike Ashley
Edited and with supplementary materials by Bob Blaisdell
Edited by Adolphe Armand Braun
Edited by Alain Locke. Illustrated by Winold Reiss
Edited by Alan E. Bessette and William K. Chapman
Edited by Aley Fox
Edited by Alison Mager
Edited by Allan A. Macfarlan
Edited by Andrew Lang
Edited by Angel Flores
Edited by Ann Braybrooks
Edited by Anna Samuel
Edited by Anton Seder
Edited by Arthur Eli Monroe
Edited by Arthur N. Milgram
Edited by Benjamin Drew
Edited by Bergerac
Edited by Bernard Wells Close
Edited by Bill Bradfield
Edited by Blanche Cirker
Edited by Bob Blaisdell
Edited by Brian Swann
Edited by Brian W. Aldiss and Harry Harrison
Edited by Candace Ward
Edited by Carl Parrish
Edited by Carl Parrish and John F. Ohl
Edited by Carol Belanger Grafton
Edited by Carter G. Woodson. Introduction by Bob Blaisdell
Edited by Cecil J. Sharp
Edited by Charles J. F. Cofone
Edited by Charles Morris
Edited by Charles Philip Fox
Edited by Charles S. Brant
Edited by Charles S. Keefe
Edited by Charles W. Jones
Edited by Chen Yan
Edited by Christine Rudisel and Bob Blaisdell
Edited by Clara Schumann
Edited by Clarence C. Strowbridge
Edited by Clarence Poe
Edited by Cyril M. Harris
Edited by D. ter Haar
Edited by Dan X. Solo
Edited by David A. Jasen
Edited by David Dutkanicz
Edited by Don C. Seitz
Edited by Donald H. Menzel
Edited by Doris Rosenthal
Edited by Dorothy Belle Pollack
Edited by Douglas G. Greene
Edited by Drew Ford. Introduction by Harlan Ellison
Edited by E. F. Bleiler
Edited by Edmund V. Gillon, Jr
Edited by Edwin F. Beckenbach. With an Introduction by Magnus R. Hestenes
Edited by Edwin F. Beckenbach. With an Introduction by Royal Weller
Edited by Edwin Valentine Mitchell
Edited by Ellen H. Bleiler
Edited by Elsie Clews Parsons
Edited by Ernst Günther
Edited by Eugène Rouyer
Edited by Evan Bates
Edited by Evelyn Underhill
Edited by Ezra Strong
Edited by F. Contet
Edited by F. Max Müller
Edited by Faubion Bowers
Edited by Flora Klickmann
Edited by Florence Leniston
Edited by Francis James Child
Edited by Frank Harary
Edited by Frank J. Swetz
Edited by Frederick Drimmer
Edited by Frederick H. Martens
Edited by Fridolf Johnson
Edited by Friedrich Deneken
Edited by Friedrich Kerst and Henry Krehbiel
Edited by G. P. Fedotov
Edited by Gabriella Oldham
Edited by Gajus Scheltema and Heleen Westerhuijs. Introduction by Russell Shorto
Edited by George A. Martin
Edited by George B. Bridgman
Edited by George Lincoln Burr
Edited by George Petrie
Edited by George W. Cronyn
Edited by Gleb Struve
Edited by Glen E. Swanson. Introduction to the Dover edition by Paul Dickson
Edited by Gustav Stickley
Edited by H. Dolmetsch
Edited by Harry Steinhauer
Edited by Hayward and Blanche Cirker
Edited by Heinz Edgar Kiewe
Edited by Helmuth Theodor Bossert
Edited by Henri Rapin
Edited by Henry E. Krehbiel. New Introduction by Roelof Oostwoud
Edited by Henry R. Schoolcraft
Edited by Herb Galewitz
Edited by Hugh Lamb
Edited by Irwin Silber
Edited by Isidor Philipp
Edited by J. B. Saunders and Charles D. O'Malley
Edited by J. Engelhorn
Edited by J. Fuller Maitland and W. B. Squire
Edited by J. Fuller Maitland and W. Barclay Squire
Edited by J. G. Heck
Edited by J. O'Kane
Edited by Jack Winocour
Edited by James Daley
Edited by James R. Newman
Edited by James Spero
Edited by Jay Henry Mowbray
Edited by Jean Hugard
Edited by Jess Nevins
Edited by Jesse Walter Fewkes
Edited by Jim Harter
Edited by Joan R. Sherman
Edited by Joan W. Gandy and Thomas H. Gandy
Edited by JoAnne Olian
Edited by Joel Wallach
Edited by John A. Lomax and Alan Lomax
Edited by John Gough Nichols
Edited by John Grafton
Edited by John Grafton. Introduction by Mike Ashley
Edited by John Kobal
Edited by John Montroll
Edited by Joseph Jacobs
Edited by Joseph Smith
Edited by Joslyn Pine
Edited by Julian Schwinger
Edited by Kristina Harris
Edited by L. Francois
Edited by Leslie Cabarga
Edited by Lester V. Berrey
Edited by Lewis Copeland, Lawrence W. Lamm, and Stephen J. McKenna
Edited by Logan Marshall
Edited by Lucien Vogel
Edited by Luis Labarta
Edited by M. C. Waldrep
Edited by M. Esposito
Edited by M. P. Verneuil
Edited by Madison C. Peters
Edited by Maggie Kate
Edited by Maria Naylor
Edited by Marshall Everett
Edited by Marta K. Krebs
Edited by Martin Davis
Edited by Martin Gardner
Edited by Mary Carolyn Waldrep
Edited by Michael Croland
Edited by Mike Ashley
Edited by Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun
Edited by Molly Hand
Edited by Montague Summers
Edited by Morey Ritt
Edited by Morris H. Shamos
Edited by Natalie Curtis
Edited by Nelson Wax
Edited by Noah Greenberg
Edited by Nora Rawn and John Grafton
Edited by Norman R. Yetman
Edited by NZ Kay
Edited by Olive Beaupré Miller
Edited by Oscar Sonneck
Edited by Otto Hoever
Edited by Patricia A. Deuster
Edited by Paul de Jaegher. Translated by Donald Attwater and Others
Edited by Paul Dickson
Edited by Paul N. Hasluck
Edited by Paul Negri
Edited by Paul Negri and The American Poetry And Literacy Project
Edited by Perry Miller and Thomas H. Johnson
Edited by Peter A. Jansson
Edited by Peter Grabarchuk and Serhiy Grabarchuk
Edited by Peter Grabarchuk and Serhiy Grabarchuk. Foreword by Ian Stewart
Edited by Philip Haber, illustrated by Stanley Wyatt
Edited by Philip Smith
Edited by Prisse d'Avennes
Edited by R. Beauclair and M. J. Gradl
Edited by R. L. Leonard and C. A. Glassgold
Edited by René Beauclair
Edited by Richard Bellman and Robert Kalaba
Edited by Richard Crawford
Edited by Richard Henry Stoddard
Edited by Richard Wilhelm. Translated after Original Sources by Frederick H. Martens
Edited by Rita Weiss
Edited by Rob Roy Kelly
Edited by Robert L. Herbert
Edited by Robert T. Jones
Edited by Rochelle Kronzek
Edited by Rollin Smith
Edited by Ronald Herder
Edited by Rose N. Rubin and Michael Stillman
Edited by Ross Jungnickel. New Introduction by Stephanie Chase
Edited by Rudolf Berliner
Edited by Rudolph Ackermann
Edited by S. T. Joshi
Edited by Shane Weller
Edited by Stanley Appelbaum
Edited by Stanley Appelbaum and James Camner
Edited by Stella Blum
Edited by Susan L. Rattiner
Edited by The American Poetry And Literacy Project
Edited by the American Poetry and Literacy Project and the Academy of American Poets. With a Foreword by U.S. Poet Laureate, Laurence "Ted" Kooser
Edited by Theodore Dwight Weld
Edited by Theodore Menten
Edited by Thomas Crofts
Edited by Thérèse de Dillmont
Edited by Wallace Fowlie
Edited by Walter Jerrold, Illustrated by Charles Robinson
Edited by Walter Jerrold. Illustrated by Charles Robinson
Edited by William Butler Yeats
Edited by William C. Dampier and Margaret Dampier
Edited by William Francis Allen, Charles Pickard Ware and Lucy McKim Garrison
Edited by William Hone. Translated by Jeremiah Jones and William Wake
Edited by Zelia Nuttall
Edited with a Foreword by Jeff A. Menges
Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Peter Pesic
Edited with an Introduction by Gabriel Banat
Edited with an Introduction by Nick Mamatas
Edith Diehl
Edith Fowke and Joe Glazer
Edith Summers Kelley
Edith Wharton
Edith Wharton and Ogden Codman, Jr
Edith Wharton. Introduction by Roxana Robinson
Edith Young
Edmar Mednis
Edmond J. Farris
Edmond Rostand
Edmund Burke
Edmund Clerihew Bentley. With 40 Drawings by G. K. Chesterton
Edmund Dulac
Edmund Dulac. Selected and Edited by Jeff A. Menges
Edmund J. Sullivan
Edmund Morris
Edna Ferber
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Edouard Lanteri
Edson Ruther Peck
Eduard Naudascher and Donald Rockwell
Eduard Prugovecki
Eduard Wagner
Eduard Wagner, Zoroslava Drobna and Jan Durdik
Edvard Grieg
Edward A. Bender
Edward A. Bender and S. Gill Williamson
Edward B. McLeod, Jr
Edward B. Watson and Edmund V. Gillon
Edward Bellamy
Edward Bunting
Edward Burnett Tylor
Edward Clinton Ezell and Linda Neuman Ezell
Edward Clinton Ezell and Linda Neuman Ezell; Introduction by Paul Dickson
Edward Conze
Edward D. and Faith Andrews
Edward D. Andrews
Edward Elgar
Edward F. Worst
Edward FitzGerald
Edward G. Harris
Edward Heron-Allen
Edward Hopper
Edward J. Detmold
Edward James McShane and Truman Arthur Botts
Edward Johnston
Edward Kasner and James Newman
Edward Knobel
Edward L. Bernays
Edward Lasker
Edward Lear
Edward Lucas White. Edited and Introduced by S. T. Joshi
Edward MacDowell
Edward McCurdy
Edward McLachlan
Edward Moor
Edward Morris Opler
Edward P. C. Kao
Edward R. Scheinerman
Edward R. Scheinerman and Daniel H. Ullman
Edward Renggli
Edward S. Morse
Edward Sapir
Edward Stoddard
Edward T. Walsh
Edward V. Huntington
Edward Victor
Edward Warren Hoak and Willis Humphrey Church
Edward William Lane
Edwin A. Abbott
Edwin B. Williams
Edwin H. Colbert
Edwin Lefèvre
Edwin Monk
Edwin Noble
Edwin R. Spencer
Edwin Sachs
Edwin Weiss
Egerton Castle
Egmont Colerus
Egon Schiele
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Eileen Power
Eileen Rudisill Miller
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Elbert Hubbard
Eleanor Gates
Eleanor H. Porter
Eleanor Rowe
Eleanor Winters
Eleanor Winters and Laurie E. Lico
Eleanour Sinclair Rohde
Elgiva Nicholls
Elias P. Gyftopoulos and Gian Paolo Beretta
Elijah Bemiss
Elinore Pruitt Stewart
Elisabeth Duquesne Van Gogh. Translated by Katherine S. Dreier
Eliza Leslie
Eliza Sauter
Elizabeth A. McClelland
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Elizabeth Bowen
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Elizabeth F. Nyhan
Elizabeth Gaskell
Elizabeth Geddes and Moyra McNeill
Elizabeth Gordon. Drawings by M. T. Ross
Elizabeth Gordon. Illustrated by M. T. (Penny) Ross
Elizabeth Gordon. Illustrations by M. T. Ross
Elizabeth Hawes. Introduction by Alice Gregory
Elizabeth Keckley
Elizabeth Leese
Elizabeth M. Townshend
Elizabeth Moad
Elizabeth Root
Elizabeth S. Hayes
Elizabeth von Arnim
Elizabeth Zimmermann
Ella Cheever Thayer
Ella Young. Illustrated by Maud Gonne
Ellen Christiansen Kraft
Ellen Cranch
Ellen Harper
Ellen J. McHenry
Ellen Sander
Ellen Scott
Elliot Paul
Elliott Chaze
Ellis Stanyon
Elma Waltner
Elsie Clews Parsons
Elsie de Wolfe
Elyse Mach
Emanuel Lasker
Emanuel Parzen
Emerson Hough
Emil Artin
Emil Artin. Translated by Michael Butler
Emil F. Kronquist
Emile Durkheim
Emile Gaboriau
Emile Grillot de Givry
Emile Mâle
Emile Zola
Emile Zola. Translated by Havelock Ellis
Emilio Segrè
Emily Brontë
Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson. Designed by Joan O'Brien
Emily Dickinson. Edited by Mabel Loomis Todd
Emily Neville. Illustrated by Emil Weiss
Emily Riehl
Emily Ruete
Emily, Anne and Charlotte Brontë
Emma Gelders Sterne
Emma Goldman
Emma Lazarus
Emmanuel Chabrier
Engelbert Humperdinck
Enid Bagnold
Enos A. Mills
Enrico Caruso and Luisa Tetrazzini
Enrico Fermi
Enrique Granados
Epictetus. Translated by George Long
Epicurus, Edited and Translated by George K. Strodach
Erhan Cinlar
Erhard Klepper
Eric Frank Russell
Eric Gill. Edited by David A. Beronä
Eric Gottesman
Eric Maisel, PhD
Eric Maisel, PhD with Natalya Maisel
Eric Maisel, PhD. Illustrated by Danny Gregory
Eric North
Eric Protter
Eric Shanower
Eric Sherbrooke Walker, writing as James Barbican
Eric Sloane
Eric Sloane and Eric Hatch
Eric Temple Bell
Eric V. Denardo
Eric Wen
Erich Korngold
Erich Maria Remarque. Translated by A. W. Wheen
Erik Satie
Erik Siuda
Erika Mann. Introduction by Thomas Mann
Erin Meads
Ernest A. Payne
Ernest Binz, Jedrzej Sniatycki and Hans Fischer
Ernest Bramah. Selected and with an Introduction by E. F. Bleiler
Ernest Chausson
Ernest Fenollosa and Ezra Pound
Ernest Flagg
Ernest Frederick Wagner
Ernest H. Cherrington, Jr
Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Holmes
Ernest J. Eitel
Ernest Lawrence Thayer. Illustrated by Jim Hull. Introduction by Martin Gardner
Ernest N. Doring. With a New Introduction by Stewart Pollens
Ernest Newman. With an Introduction by Walter Legge
Ernest R. Norling
Ernest Rhys. Illustrated by Herbert Cole
Ernest Seton-Thompson
Ernest Thompson Seton
Ernest W. Watson
Ernest W. Watson and Aldren A. Watson
Ernest Weekley
Ernst A. Guillemin
Ernst and Johanna Lehner
Ernst Bacon. New Introduction by Sara Davis Buechner
Ernst Cassirer
Ernst Haeckel
Ernst Lehner
Ernst Mach
Ernst Rettelbusch
Ernst Sondheimer and Alan Rogerson
Ernst Toch
Erskine Childers
Erté. Rendered by Marty Noble
Erwin Kreyszig
Erwin Schrödinger
Esther Forbes
Ethan Allen. With an Introductory Note by John Pell. Illustrations by Will Crawford
Ethan D. Bolker
Ethel B. Power
Euclid. Edited by Thomas L. Heath
Euclid. Translated with introduction and commentary by Sir Thomas L. Heath
Eugene A. Znosko-Borovsky
Eugene F. Krause
Eugene F. Provenzo, Jr., and Asterie Baker Provenzo
Eugene Feenberg and George Edward Pake
Eugene Isaacson and Herbert Bishop Keller
Eugene L. Conrotto
Eugene Lawler
Eugene O'Neill
Eugene P. Northrop. Introduction by Daniel S. Silver
Eugene Znosko-Borovsky
Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc
Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc. Translated by Benjamin Bucknall
Eugène Grasset
Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc and Maurice Ouradou
Eva Greene Fuller
Eva Wilson
Eve Torrence
Evelyn Underhill
Evelyne Johnson
Evelyne Johnson. Illustrated by Christopher Santoro
Ezra Pound
F. A. Ficken
F. B. Heald
F. B. Hildebrand
F. G. Tricomi
F. G.Tricomi
F. H. King
F. Hadland Davis
F. J. Camm
F. Knight
F. Kottenkamp
F. M. Cornford
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