The Man Within


Publication Date: 17th June 2025

Experience the gripping tale of The Man Within by Graham Greene. This riveting novel digs deep into the psyche of Francis Andrews, a conflicted smuggler haunted by his father’s oppressive legacy. Andrews finds himself torn between betrayal and redemption after he seeks asylum with a compassionate woman named Elizabeth. As Andrews grapples with guilt, fear, and the quest for his true identity, he finds himself torn between betrayal and redemption. Graham Greene offers an unforgettable journey of human bonding and self-discovery as he masterfully explores themes of loyalty, integrity, and... Read More
Format: Paperback

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Experience the gripping tale of The Man Within by Graham Greene. This riveting novel digs deep into the psyche of Francis Andrews, a conflicted smuggler haunted by his father’s oppressive legacy. Andrews finds himself torn between betrayal and redemption after he seeks asylum with a compassionate woman named Elizabeth. As Andrews grapples with guilt, fear, and the quest for his true identity, he finds himself torn between betrayal and redemption. Graham Greene offers an unforgettable journey of human bonding and self-discovery as he masterfully explores themes of loyalty, integrity, and... Read More