Look around and select a subject that you can see painted. That will paint itself. Do the obvious thing before you do the superhuman thing.
It may have been accidental, but you knew enough to let this alone. The good painter is always making use of accidents.
Never try to repeat a success.
Swing a bigger brush — you don’t know what fun you are missing.
For 31 years, Charles Hawthorne spoke in this manner to students of his famous Cape Cod School of Art. The essence of that instruction has been collected from students’ notes and cap... Read More
Look around and select a subject that you can see painted. That will paint itself. Do the obvious thing before you do the superhuman thing.
It may have been accidental, but you knew enough to let this alone. The good painter is always making use of accidents.
Never try to repeat a success.
Swing a bigger brush — you don’t know what fun you are missing.
For 31 years, Charles Hawthorne spoke in this manner to students of his famous Cape Cod School of Art. The essence of that instruction has been collected from students’ notes and cap... Read More