Stories and Poems/Cuentos y Poesías

A Dual-Language Book

By Rubén Darío Edited by Stanley Appelbaum


Publication Date: 25th September 2002

One of the most important Latin-American writers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Nicaraguan poet and essayist Rubén Darío (the pen name of Félix Rubén García Sarmiento) is considered the high priest of the modernismo school of literature, known for its dazzling verbal virtuosity and technical perfection. The present volume contains a rich selection of Darío's best poems and stories, carefully chosen from Azul (Blue), Prosas profanas (Worldly Hymns), Cantos de vida y esperanza (Songs of Life and Hope), El canto errante (The Wandering Song),... Read More
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One of the most important Latin-American writers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Nicaraguan poet and essayist Rubén Darío (the pen name of Félix Rubén García Sarmiento) is considered the high priest of the modernismo school of literature, known for its dazzling verbal virtuosity and technical perfection. The present volume contains a rich selection of Darío's best poems and stories, carefully chosen from Azul (Blue), Prosas profanas (Worldly Hymns), Cantos de vida y esperanza (Songs of Life and Hope), El canto errante (The Wandering Song),... Read More
One of the most important Latin-American writers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Nicaraguan poet and essayist Rubén Darío (the pen name of Félix Rubén García Sarmiento) is considered the high priest of the modernismo school of literature, known for its dazzling verbal virtuosity and technical perfection. The present volume contains a rich selection of Darío's best poems and stories, carefully chosen from Azul (Blue), Prosas profanas (Worldly Hymns), Cantos de vida y esperanza (Songs of Life and Hope), El canto errante (The Wandering Song), and Poema del otoño (Poem of autumn). Stanley Appelbaum has provided accurate English translations (line for line in the poetry section) on the pages facing the original Spanish, as well as an informative introduction to Darío's life and work, and annotations to the individual stories and poems. The result is a superb resource for any student of Spanish language and literature or anyone interested in one of the earliest and most influential literary movements of the twentieth century.

Dover Original.
  • Price: $16.95
  • Pages: 272
  • Publisher: Dover Publications
  • Imprint: Dover Publications
  • Series: Dover Dual Language Spanish
  • Publication Date: 25th September 2002
  • Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5 in
  • ISBN: 9780486420653
  • Format: Paperback
  • BISACs:
    POETRY / European / General
    FICTION / Short Stories (single author)
Author Bio
Stanley Appelbaum served for decades as Dover's Editor in Chief until his retirement in 1996. He continues to work as a selector, compiler, editor, and translator of literature in a remarkable range of languages that includes Spanish, Italian, French, German, and Russian.
Table of Contents
Introduction and Annotations
Cuentos / Stories
(All the stories except the last one are from the collection Azul . . .)
El Rey Burgués / The Bourgeois King
El sátiro sordo / The Deaf Satyr
La ninfa / The Nymph
El fardo / The Bale
El velo de la reina Mab / The Veil of Queen Mab
La canción del oro / The Hymn to Gold
El pájaro azul / The Blue Bird
Palomas blancas y garzas morenas / White Doves and Brown Herons
La muerte de la emperatriz de la China / The Death of the Empress of China
El caso de la señorita Amelia / The Case of Miss Amelia
Poesís / Poems
From Azul . . . (Blue . . .)
Venus / Venus
Walt Whitman / Walt Whitman
From Prosas profanas (Worldly Hymns)
"Era un aire suave . . ." / "The Air Was Gentle . . ."
Divagación / Digression
Sonatina / Sonatina
Blasón / Coat-of-Arms
"Ite, missa est / Ite, Missa Est"
Coloquio de los centauros / Dialogue of the Centaurs
El poeta pregunta por Stella / The Poet Asks About Stella
Sinfonía en gris mayor / Symphony in Gray Major
Verlaine: Responso / Verlaine: Response
El reino interior / The Inner Kingdom
"Ama tu ritmo . . ." / "Love Your Rhythm . . ."
Alma mía / My Soul
"Yo persigo una forma . . ." / "I Pursue a Form . . ."
From Cantos de vida y esperanza (Songs of Life and Hope)
"Yo goy aquel . . ." / "I Am That Man . . ."
Salutación del optimista / Greetings from an Optimist
Al rey Óscar / To King Oscar
Cyrano en España / Cyrano in Spain
A Roosevelt / To Roosevelt
"¡Torres de Dios! . . ." / "Towers of God! . . ."
Canto de esperanza / Song of Hope
Marcha triunfal / Triumphal March
Cisnes I / Swans I
Cisnes II: En la muerte de Rafel Núñez / Swans II: On the Death of Rafael Núñez
Cisnes III / Swans III
Cisnes IV / Swans IV
"La dulzura del ángelus . . ." / "The Sweetness of the Angelus . . ."
Tarde del trópico / Evening in the Tropics
"Nocturno ("Quiero expresar . . .") / Nocturne ("I wish to express . . .")"
Canción de otoño en primavera / Autumnal Song in Springtime
Trébol / Cloverleaf
Leda / Leda
"Divina Psiquis . . ." / "Divine Psyche . . ."
A Phocás el campesino / To Phocas the Peasant
"¡Carne, celeste carne . . .!" / "Flesh, Heavenly Flesh . . .!"
"En el país de las Alegorías . . ." / "In the Land of Allegories . . ."
Augurios / Omens
Melancolía / Melancholy
"Nocturno ("Los que auscultasteis . . .") / Nocturne ("You who have ausculated . . .")"
Letanía de nuestro señor don Quijote / Litany of Our Lord Don Quixote
Lo fatal / Fatality
From El canto errante (The Wandering Song)
Momotombo / Momotombo
Salutación al águila / Greetings to the Eagle
¡Eheu! / Eheu!
"Nocturno ("Silencio de la noche . . .") / Nocturne ("Silence of the night . . .")"
Epístola / Epistle
Balada en honor de las musas de carne y hueso / Ballade in Honor of the Flesh-and-Blood Muses
From Poema del otoño (Poem of Autumn)
Poema del otoña / Poem of Autumn
Alphabetical List of Spanish Titles of Poems
Alphabetical List of Spanish First Lines of Poems
One of the most important Latin-American writers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Nicaraguan poet and essayist Rubén Darío (the pen name of Félix Rubén García Sarmiento) is considered the high priest of the modernismo school of literature, known for its dazzling verbal virtuosity and technical perfection. The present volume contains a rich selection of Darío's best poems and stories, carefully chosen from Azul (Blue), Prosas profanas (Worldly Hymns), Cantos de vida y esperanza (Songs of Life and Hope), El canto errante (The Wandering Song), and Poema del otoño (Poem of autumn). Stanley Appelbaum has provided accurate English translations (line for line in the poetry section) on the pages facing the original Spanish, as well as an informative introduction to Darío's life and work, and annotations to the individual stories and poems. The result is a superb resource for any student of Spanish language and literature or anyone interested in one of the earliest and most influential literary movements of the twentieth century.

Dover Original.
  • Price: $16.95
  • Pages: 272
  • Publisher: Dover Publications
  • Imprint: Dover Publications
  • Series: Dover Dual Language Spanish
  • Publication Date: 25th September 2002
  • Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5 in
  • ISBN: 9780486420653
  • Format: Paperback
  • BISACs:
    POETRY / European / General
    FICTION / Short Stories (single author)
Stanley Appelbaum served for decades as Dover's Editor in Chief until his retirement in 1996. He continues to work as a selector, compiler, editor, and translator of literature in a remarkable range of languages that includes Spanish, Italian, French, German, and Russian.
Introduction and Annotations
Cuentos / Stories
(All the stories except the last one are from the collection Azul . . .)
El Rey Burgués / The Bourgeois King
El sátiro sordo / The Deaf Satyr
La ninfa / The Nymph
El fardo / The Bale
El velo de la reina Mab / The Veil of Queen Mab
La canción del oro / The Hymn to Gold
El pájaro azul / The Blue Bird
Palomas blancas y garzas morenas / White Doves and Brown Herons
La muerte de la emperatriz de la China / The Death of the Empress of China
El caso de la señorita Amelia / The Case of Miss Amelia
Poesís / Poems
From Azul . . . (Blue . . .)
Venus / Venus
Walt Whitman / Walt Whitman
From Prosas profanas (Worldly Hymns)
"Era un aire suave . . ." / "The Air Was Gentle . . ."
Divagación / Digression
Sonatina / Sonatina
Blasón / Coat-of-Arms
"Ite, missa est / Ite, Missa Est"
Coloquio de los centauros / Dialogue of the Centaurs
El poeta pregunta por Stella / The Poet Asks About Stella
Sinfonía en gris mayor / Symphony in Gray Major
Verlaine: Responso / Verlaine: Response
El reino interior / The Inner Kingdom
"Ama tu ritmo . . ." / "Love Your Rhythm . . ."
Alma mía / My Soul
"Yo persigo una forma . . ." / "I Pursue a Form . . ."
From Cantos de vida y esperanza (Songs of Life and Hope)
"Yo goy aquel . . ." / "I Am That Man . . ."
Salutación del optimista / Greetings from an Optimist
Al rey Óscar / To King Oscar
Cyrano en España / Cyrano in Spain
A Roosevelt / To Roosevelt
"¡Torres de Dios! . . ." / "Towers of God! . . ."
Canto de esperanza / Song of Hope
Marcha triunfal / Triumphal March
Cisnes I / Swans I
Cisnes II: En la muerte de Rafel Núñez / Swans II: On the Death of Rafael Núñez
Cisnes III / Swans III
Cisnes IV / Swans IV
"La dulzura del ángelus . . ." / "The Sweetness of the Angelus . . ."
Tarde del trópico / Evening in the Tropics
"Nocturno ("Quiero expresar . . .") / Nocturne ("I wish to express . . .")"
Canción de otoño en primavera / Autumnal Song in Springtime
Trébol / Cloverleaf
Leda / Leda
"Divina Psiquis . . ." / "Divine Psyche . . ."
A Phocás el campesino / To Phocas the Peasant
"¡Carne, celeste carne . . .!" / "Flesh, Heavenly Flesh . . .!"
"En el país de las Alegorías . . ." / "In the Land of Allegories . . ."
Augurios / Omens
Melancolía / Melancholy
"Nocturno ("Los que auscultasteis . . .") / Nocturne ("You who have ausculated . . .")"
Letanía de nuestro señor don Quijote / Litany of Our Lord Don Quixote
Lo fatal / Fatality
From El canto errante (The Wandering Song)
Momotombo / Momotombo
Salutación al águila / Greetings to the Eagle
¡Eheu! / Eheu!
"Nocturno ("Silencio de la noche . . .") / Nocturne ("Silence of the night . . .")"
Epístola / Epistle
Balada en honor de las musas de carne y hueso / Ballade in Honor of the Flesh-and-Blood Muses
From Poema del otoño (Poem of Autumn)
Poema del otoña / Poem of Autumn
Alphabetical List of Spanish Titles of Poems
Alphabetical List of Spanish First Lines of Poems